Recycled Art Bus Workshop

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Welcome to Whitfield District Primary School


Tammy Holton

Learn More

Welcome to Whitfield District Primary School, a small rural school located in the beautiful King Valley. Our vision is to empower students to learn, achieve and become active, informed citizens with a passion for lifelong learning. By engaging in exceptional educational experiences students will have the knowledge, skills and dispositions to live sustainably and shape the world around them. We challenge our students to live our values of respect, empathy and curiosity.

• We care for ourselves
• We care for others
• We care for our environment

• We understand similarities and differences
• We can imagine what someone else might be thinking or feeling
• We show compassion

• We want to learn and grow
• We accept challenges and explore different opportunities
• We acquire new knowledge and skills

Find out why our little school is such a big hit. .

Tammy Holton – Principal.

Student Enrolment Form!
